The Chihuahuas are a Triple-A Minor League Baseball team located in El Paso Texas. The team is the MiLB affiliate of the San Diego Padres.
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In partnership with The City of El Paso, MountainStar Sports Group built what is now Southwest University Park, an award-winning venue that has served as a major catalyst for downtown revitalization and economic development. Today, the El Paso Chihuahuas and Southwest University Park are exactly what they were intended to be… an integral part of the Borderplex region’s pride and spirit.
The Chihuahuas have won numerous awards and recognitions as an organization and has been a leader in merchandise sales in Minor League Baseball. The El Paso Chihuahuas participate in numerous philanthropic and community initiatives throughout the region. The Chihuahuas’ award-winning mascot, ‘Chico’, is a favorite with adults and kids alike, and appears at hundreds of events throughout the year.
The Chihuahuas’ Foundation is a major supporter of charities in the Borderplex. Since 2014, MountainStar Sports Group and the El Paso Chihuahuas have believed that “It’s More Than Baseball.” That’s why fun, affordable, family entertainment and community partnerships have been driving principles of Triple-A Baseball in the El Paso region.